Now that school is almost done I have time to finish this blog post that is long overdue. My roles are home have changed leaving less time for creativity outlets, but its also allowed time for growth and change. After homeschooling my kids for 3 months I’ve realized I make a poor teacher but luckily my kids have made significant progress in both Math and English. Almost as if they see my struggle and try to meet me half way. Filip has learned to ride a bike (and quite well), Majas reading has skyrocketed, I’ve become a much better budget-er, and the list of the good exceeds the bad by far. At least its how I choose to see it. The whole world is still struggling with the Covid-19 virus and I’m hurting for all those countries that are failing to meet the medical needs of their people and praying for a better tomorrow.
Over here we’ve been using all the tools to keep ourselves entertained and banking on our backyard and amazing neighborhood we live in. Here are some snippets of how we’ve been spending our time minus the 1 million bike rides. I’ve yet to remember to bring my camera to one, but hope to soon 😉
ps. I’m excited to start shooting again as restrictions have been lifted, while still proceeding with caution to keep my clients and myself safe.